Passport Renewal

Texas Passports is the perfect resource for those in need of renewed passports. So long as you have an undamaged U.S. passport that was issued within the past 15 years when you were over 16 years of age, you qualify for a passport renewal in Dallas and can get started at our Dallas office location! If you’ve undergone a legal name change, no worries! You still qualify for a renewal so long as you bring along legal documents proving that your new name has been registered with the government. Your renewal is sure to be processed with unmatched efficiency and accuracy, as we offer expedited services with turnaround times as short as eight hours! Our team recognizes the importance of freedom and flexibility when it comes to trip-planning, which is why we put your needs first.

You’ll want to apply for a renewal if your passport has expired or if you do not have two empty pages available for visa stickers and stamps. Your passport must have at least six months’ validity from your planned entry date onward to ensure that you don’t illegally overstay your welcome in your destination country. The U.S. Department of State can sometimes have passport applications stacked up for weeks or months, which can drastically delay your passport’s approval. Last-minute renewals are sometimes desperately needed, and that’s where we come in!

Dallas Passport Renewal

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Dallas Passport Renewal Services

Whether you’re applying for your renewal by mailing your paperwork in or by visiting a passport acceptance facility in person, you’ll need to have certain things prepared in advance. Form DS-82 is the form used exclusively for passport renewals while Form DS-11 is used for brand new passports. If your current or recently-expired passport has been damaged, lost, or stolen, you’ll need to apply for a brand new passport rather than a renewal. If you have an undamaged current or recently-expired passport, you’ll need to submit it with your application. Don’t worry – you’ll be getting it back once the process is complete! You will also need to submit a recent photograph that abides by all passport photo guidelines, which you should be sure to follow carefully. If you’re not comfortable snapping your portrait on your own, our agents can help or you can seek out a professional photographer elsewhere to take care of this for you! There are guidelines in place for both adults and children.You will also need to bring along a valid form of payment. All checks and money orders must be made payable to the U.S. Department of State. Be prepared to pay a processing fee of $110 for passport renewals and a processing fee of $170 for expedited services. The cost of your passport will depend on the type of service you opt for. There are a wide range of services available that you can select based on your individual needs, whether they revolve around emergent travel or basic rush jobs!

Additional information can be sought out by checking out our website or reaching out to one of our agents. Better yet, feel free to step inside our Dallas office so we can learn more about your travel plans and start collaborating to give you the best trip-planning experience possible. Our team carries a combined 42+ years of experience in the travel and tourism industry, so we’re more than equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to give you hiccup-free assistance. We can answer any of your questions, including those that are about second passports, visa acquisition, and frequent traveling. You’ll be amazed by what Texas Passports can do for you! Traveling abroad doesn’t have to be intimidating, especially not with the help of our experts.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Our team is known for being warm and compassionate, and that’s the way we intend to keep it. It can be scary to plan for a trip overseas, especially when handling a crisis situation, but we promise to keep you updated on any changes in your destination country’s passport or visa regulations and provide you with emergency contacts in addition to giving you the expedited services you deserve. Give us a call today to learn all about how we can get your passport in your hands as soon as possible! You’re more than a faceless customer. You’re an adventurer with places to be! We can’t wait to hear from you and come up with a personalized plan that will have you on your flight in no time at all. We’ve got your back and promise to take on all the heavy lifting, so be sure to get in touch!

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