Just like most other legal documents in the U.S a passport also has an expiry date upon which it will be required of you to renew it. Unless you are planning on staying in the United States till the next life you are going need a legit passport if you are to travel to a foreign country. And, not only is a passport a travel document but it also attests the identity of the beholder. If you are stopped over on the high way for the random police check they will accept your passport as an identity verification document as long as it is in good shape and not expired. Most probably the bouncer at a club won’t accept it if he doesn’t know what it is but otherwise, any government institution or office will use your passport to verify your identity. But, how long is a passport good for?
The three types of passports
Passport for minors
A minor is anyone below 16, 18 or 21 years depending on which country you come from. In the United States, a minor anyone who is 17 years and below. Once you hit 18 years you are no longer a minor but rather an adult. In fact, your parents should kick you out of the house. When parents want to travel to a foreign country they have to get their kids passports. These passports are referred to as passports for the minors. In most cases, it is recommended that both parents be present and the whole process can get messy and hectic if you don’t have the necessary paperwork. Unless you have a Travel Agency such as Texas Passports to walk you through the application process you might not get the passports in time for the much-awaited trip. A minor’s passport is good for 5 years.
Passport for adults
This set of passports is issued to United States citizens who are 16 years or above. This is the document that will be presented the immigration offices as you enter and leave a foreign country. Most of them are particularly notorious for spacing entry and exit stamps other than clustering them close to each other. Adult’s passports expire after 10 years after which it will be required of you to renew it. If you are planning on visiting Asian countries or a European country you have to renew your passport 6 months earlier.
Second passport
Normally, one should only have one passport but there are circumstances that demand one to have a second passport. For you to be issued with a second passport you have to give legit reasons why you need a second passport and even then it is not always a guarantee that they will accept your request. At, Texas Passports we have the right connections to ensure that you are issued with a second passport with no delays. All you have to do is either visit our offices or contact us. Second passports are valid for 4 years.
How long is a passport good for?
A passport is legally accepted as long as it is in good shape and has not yet expired. If you don’t want the delays associated with first time application and renewal of passports the way to go is Texas Passports. Our services don’t stop from issuing you a passport within 24 hours. We also offer a contact list to embassies that you can always call in case of an emergency.